Join the Cyberspace Law Committee at the ABA 2004 Annual Meeting

Sunday, August 08, 2004

IP Subcommittee Meeting

The IP Subcommittee, chaired by Eric Goldman and John Ottaviani had an early morning meeting. Quite lively despite the hour. Turning first to the subcommittee's open source project, Ottaviani announced the subcommittee has completed a review of over 50 open source licenses. Discussions on what to do with this vast body of knowledge focused on organizing the data for use in other projects, providing a resource for lawyers doing M&A due diligence; and providing a survey of open source license types for companies thinking of using an open source licensing structure.

The subcommittee's e-mail newletter, CIPerati, is now on its fourth issue. Edited by Jonathan M. Eisenberg and Craig S. Rutenberg of Manatt, Phelps & Phillips
each newsletter has featured 3-4 really great practical articles. The link above can be used to view the back issues or subscribe if you are not currently getting the newsletter.

New articles are always needed for CIPerati and anyone interested in submitting should contact Eric, John, Jonathan or Craig. CIPerati is a great way to republish one of those articles written for a firm website or newsletter.

The meeting also included a great discussion on the subject of clients' problems with search engines (read Google) and the funny games they play. Words like "Google bombing" and "bridge pages" were tossed around with utter abandon. Apparently, a number of the participants have had a lot of client activity in this area and the subcommittee will be looking at potential projects. Volunteers are always welcome.